Dr. Afsoon Gerayli DDS.

Baby Root Canal

Recipient of the 2014 Los Angeles Top Rated Doctors Award

UCLA graduate and Award-winning general & Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles, CA.


A pulpotomy or baby root canal is required when a cavity has penetrated so deep into a baby's primary tooth that it has affected part of the nerve. The treatment's main objective is preventing infection and maintaining the health and integrity of a baby tooth along with its supporting bone and gum tissue. The most effective and long lasting restoration of a primary tooth after a baby root canal is the placement of a crown.


Crowns are significantly durable dental restorations used to strengthen a tooth and improve its appearance. Crowns are tooth-like caps that are cemented to worn, jagged, badly decayed or broken natural teeth. The crown completely covers the portion of the tooth above the gum line and becomes the tooth's new outer surface. The most recommended types of crowns for baby teeth are made from composite resin bonding material or white-coated stainless steel.

When Root Canal Therapy is Needed

There are several indications of a child needing a root canal treatment, such as when the tooth is cracked or chipped and the pulp is exposed or when a child has sensitivity or pain to hot or cold temperatures. Addressing an exposed, infected pulp must go beyond a surface filling or the application of medication by the dentist at this point. The pulp will need to be removed and fitted with a crown so that the tooth is strong enough to stay in the child's mouth until the permanent tooth erupts.

Difference of a Baby Root Canal Treatment

The dentist generally only removes the infected pulp chamber and not the pulp from the tooth's roots in a root canal treatment for children. No special instruments are required for this procedure which is done a lot faster and with less pain once it is completed. Moreover, a crown is placed on a baby tooth right after the root canal treatment to immediately protect the tooth's structure.

A Baby Root Canal Involves Little Pain

A baby root canal is the most commonly performed nerve treatment on a baby tooth and involves little pain since the infected nerves of the child's tooth are removed; once the local anesthesia has been given, there is no sensation left in the tooth that could cause pain during the treatment. It is very important that the child maintain their brushing habits, particularly around the gums during this time to keep them from becoming inflamed. Although it is common for your child to experience some sensitivity after the placement of the crown for the first 14 days, they should be brought to the dental office for reevaluation if they experience excessive pain or tooth irritation.