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If you have a persistent ache in your tooth, throbbing, or pain that keeps you up at night, it may be more serious than a common toothache. An abscessed tooth occurs when an infection in the tooth spread around the root. An infected tooth can be very painful and even life-threatening. Here's what you need to know about tooth infection treatment in Los Angeles, CA.

What is a Tooth Infection?
An infected or abscessed tooth is a very painful infection at the tooth root or sometimes between the tooth and the gms. Dental infections are usually caused by serious tooth decay, but they can also be the result of trauma to the tooth or gum disease.

Trauma, gingivitis, and tooth decay all create openings in the enamel of the tooth that allows bacteria into the pulp or center of the tooth. From there, the infection can easily spread from the root to the bones that support the teeth.

 Dangers of Tooth Abscesses

If you do not seek tooth infection treatment in Los Angeles, CA, your abscessed tooth can become life-threatening. It is possible for the infection to spread to your neck, jaw, and even brain. If the infection spreads to your blood, you can develop sepsis, a very serious condition in which infection spreads throughout the body.

Rare but serious complications of a tooth abscess include:

  • Brain abscesses that require surgery
  • Ludwig's Angina, which can close the airways
  • Septicaemia, or a blood infection
  • Bacterial infections like meningitis

Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

Not sure if you have a minor toothache or something more serious? A toothache that is continuous, severe, and cases a throbbing, sharp, or shooting pain may be an abscessed tooth. You may also experience:

  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Pain while chewing
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Bitter taste in your mouth
  • General ill feeling
  • Redness or swelling of the gums
  • Swollen glands in the neck
  • Swollen area of the lower or upper jaw
  • Open, draining sore on the side of your gums

Be aware that the pulp of your tooth can die as a result of the infection. This can cause the pain to stop, but it does not mean the infection is gone or inactive. The infection will continue to spread and destroy tissue without treatment.

Tooth Infection Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

The standard tooth infection treatment in Los Angeles, CA is draining the infected pus from the tooth and clearing away the decay and debris. This may require a root canal that can save your tooth. If a root canal can't be performed, your tooth may need to be removed. Once the infection is clear, your dentist will place a crown over the tooth.

You will likely be prescribed antibiotics to help fight any residual infection. Over-the-counter pain medication is also a standard part of tooth infection treatment in Los Angeles, CA.

An abscessed tooth is painful and serious, but most infections can be prevented with good oral hygiene and prompt dental attention if you experience any dental trauma or discomfort. Regular checkups with your dentist can also guard against serious problems like tooth infections and gum disease.