Why do people want or need porcelain veneers for their teeth? Often it is due to an injury which damaged teeth. But it is becoming increasingly important to have bright shiny teeth for job interviews, weddings, graduation and other special events. Some might say that is just vanity. 

Porcelain veneers for your teeth are ultra-thin layers of porcelain (laminate) that are shaped for each tooth, after it is properly prepared, and glued in place. It is possible to prepare a small group of teeth rather than doing one at a time. 

This is fine tuning for your teeth and requires an expert hand. The process will usually require 2 or more days. The cost may be $700 to $1000 per tooth. For this fee you can expect to see the projected before and after results. This projected result may be digital or in the form of a wax copy of your teeth. Durability will depend on the patient giving the proper care as continued lifetime follow-up. 

Basic steps to producing a porcelain veneer begin with a thorough dental cleaning by a dental hygienist. Next, the dentist scrapes a thin layer of enamel from the tooth and restores any defects in old fillings. It is important to have a uniform smooth surface for the veneer to bond properly with the enamel. A porcelain veneer is not simply an alternative to bleaching your teeth to get a brighter smile. 

The tooth may need to be shaped for a uniform appearance. The veneer will need to be fitted to the tooth and thoroughly inspected for proper shape. Ideally, the veneer layer will extend a little beyond the biting surface and curved toward the back of the tooth and all edges will be on the enamel surface. Typically there is about a two week delay between the shaving of the tooth (or teeth) and the placement of the veneer product.

Count on Afsoon Gerayli, DDS to explain how porcelain veneers can help protect your teeth. Dr. Gerayli's office is on the border between Reseda and Tarzana so you can refer to her as the Tarzana dentist or as the Reseda dentist and be accurate. As an award winning UCLA graduate she is prepared to handle you dental care and is professionally trained with all of the latest technology and techniques.